๐ŸŒ Associate Software Engineer (Tech For Wildlife)

:rocket::earth_africa: #HiringAlert! :earth_africa::rocket: Passionate about technology and wildlife? :paw_prints::computer: Hereโ€™s a unique opportunity to merge your interests at the Centre for Wildlife Studies (CWS)!

CWS is on the lookout for an Associate Software Engineer (Tech For Wildlife) to play a pivotal role in supporting their tech projects and IT developments! This isnโ€™t just a job; itโ€™s a chance to make a positive impact on the conservation of wildlife and wild places. :evergreen_tree::tiger2:

Key Responsibilities:
:heavy_check_mark: Enhance their Wild Connect platform and other IT projects. :computer::globe_with_meridians:
:heavy_check_mark: Ensure all their websites are up and running smoothly. :desktop_computer::zap:
:heavy_check_mark: Aid in basic software development/coding. :construction::wrench:
:heavy_check_mark: Manage their cloud platforms and storage resources. :cloud::floppy_disk:

Whatโ€™s required? :eyes:
:heavy_check_mark: 1-2 years of experience in tech.
:heavy_check_mark: Bachelorโ€™s degree in a related field.
:heavy_check_mark: Experience in developing MERN Stack applications.
:heavy_check_mark: Strong English communication skills. :speaking_head::memo:

Pay scale depends on your work experience. :moneybag:

If you are keen to make your mark in the intersection of technology and wildlife conservation, CWS would love to hear from you! :handshake::dizzy:

Apply now using this link: https://bit.ly/cwsassociate-tech

The tech world isnโ€™t just about coding, itโ€™s also about conserving! :lion::elephant:
#Tech4Good #WildlifeConservation #JobOpportunity #SoftwareEngineer

Please Like :+1: and Share :arrow_upper_right: to spread the word. The perfect job could be a click away for someone in your network! :star2:

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